Christmas Eve I Tuesday, 24. Dezember 2019 I 17 Uhr I St. Jakobikirche Chemnitz

Vesper according to the agenda for St. Jacob von 1714


Christmas Eve I Tuesday, 24. Dezember 2019 I 17 Uhr I St. Jakobikirche Chemnitz

Vesper according to the agenda for St. Jacob von 1714


Christmas Eve I Tuesday, 24. Dezember 2019 I 17 Uhr I St. Jakobikirche Chemnitz

Vesper according to the agenda for St. Jacob von 1714


The ensemble Agenda St. Jacob
Based on initial individual occasion-related meetings in Chemnitz, a soloist ensemble with not only in the historical performance practice accomplished members formed over the years . In addition to the liturgical music from the ancient Chemnitz, also sophisticated figurative music from its wider regional heritage, the Saxon-Erzgebirge area is the subject of the common work. Agenda St. Jacob thus conveys a piece of cultural history of a German musical landscape, whereby the ensemble is denominationally non-dependend and institutionally unbound. Depending on the occasion and the repertoire, the ensemble will be expanded and supplemented by instrumentalists. Of particular interest is the work of the Chemnitz-born composer Philipp Deulich, known as Dulichius. The life of the already at his time known pan-European composer who worked in Szczecin(Poland) and died there as well in 1631 opened international collaborations such as with the Instrumental Ensemble for Early Music Consortium Sedinum Szczecin. In addition, Agenda St. Jacob cultivates fruitful links with fellow scientists and artists of other professions. With gratifying response and lasting success Agenda St. Jacob has performed in recent years, among other venues at the Usedom Music Festival, at the Days of Central German Baroque Music and at the Early Music Festival in Szczecin. The ensemble repeatedly follows the invitation of the Dresden Frauenkirche to celebrate the Easter Vigil with this extraordinary music.

The Singers

Christine Matschke


Seit der Schulzeit erhielt Christine Matschke Gesangsunterricht zunächst bei Diplom-Sängerin Steffi Schlegel in Leipzig sowie bei Mareike Schellenberger an der Hochschule für Musik in Leipzig...


Stefan Kunath


The young German countertenor Stefan Kunath was born in Dresden, where he received his earliest  musical training at the well-known Dresdner Kreuzchor boys choir.


Friedemann Schmidt


Born into a musical home, Friedemann Schmidt dedicated his free time to studies of musicology, art history and private vocal studies. All that besides his medical career in Dresden and Berlin.


Dorothea Wagner


Dorothea Wagner studied singing in Dresden with Prof. Christiane Junghanns. Her work focuses on Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and contemporary music.
In 2014 she was accepted into the excellence program "Baroque Vocal" of the Music Academy Mainz.
She received stylistic impulses during masterclasses with Dorothee Mields, Martin Erhardt and in cooperation with well-known conductors and musicians, such as i.a. Les Amis de Philippe, Wolfgang Katschner, Maurice van Lieshout, Matthias Jung, Hans-Christoph Rademann or Rüdiger Lotter...


Clemens Volkmar


German tenor Clemens Volkmar was member of the Dresdner Kapellknaben, the boys choir of world-famous Saxon Royal Chapel, where he received a thorough musical education.


Sören Richter


Born in Chemnitz, Germany, the Tenor Sören Richter began his musical career at the age of eight years as a choirboy in the municipal boys choir of the little Saxon town Freiberg and afterwards as a member of the famous Dresdner Kreuzchor.


Benjamin Glaubitz


Benjamin Glaubitz received his first musical education in the famous boys choir Dresdner Kreuzchor. He studied at Dresden University of Music with Prof. Margret Trappe-Wiel and in the master class with Prof. Olaf Bär. He also completed master classes with Charlotte Lehmann, Peter Schreier, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Lothar Odinius and Gerold Huber.


Georg Streuber


Georg Streuber began his vocal training under Sebastian Richter's and Regina Köhler's guidance in Chemnitz. He attended the Landesgymnasium für Musik Dresden as Prof. Matthias Weichert's student from 2005 to 2007 and took courses at the academy of music "Carl-Maria von Weber" in Dresden until 2013.


Johannes G. Schmidt


Johannes G. Schmidt grew up in a family of musicians and thus gained his first experience with the music of Bach, Schütz and Handel at an early age.


Das Repertoire

The Chemnitz Missal from the Jakobikirche

At the City and Market Church of St. Jakobi in Chemnitz, on the high feast days of the liturgical year, the services are kept in their own form. It follows mostly the Lutheran Missa brevis with polyphonic liturgical songs according to the historical agenda of the Jakobikirche in Chemnitz from the year 1714. The historical Missal, which was found in the church archives of the Jakobikirche, chose for the cantor and his choristers certain often far older liturgical latin chants than what would have been contemporary fashion. These range from unanimous psalmody to four-part alternating chants(responsories), to the magnificent six-voice acclamation and prefecture, the festive high and low prayer that is reserved for the holidays. The chemnitz agenda weights great importance to the lively music making between the liturgically psalmoding alternating chants, the church chorale and the figurative artistic “Ziersang-sung adornment”. The spiritual experience and high artistic enjoyment enter into a close connection, which leads to the the deeper sense of spiritual experience through proclamation sung in an aesthetic way. This kind of musical service celebration not only seeks its equal in Chemnitz, but is also superregionally unique.

In the repertoire of the Agenda St. Jacob the work of a son of the city of Chemnitz should come to particular advantage. Philipp Deulich, called Dulichius, was the son of clothiers, councilors and multiple mayor Caspar Deulich from Chemnitz. After studying in Leipzig and Wittenberg, he joined a position as cantor at the Princely Pädagogium in Szczecin in 1587. From 1618, the title of professor is occupied. He was responsible for the church music at St. Mary’s Church, the musical education of Lyceum students but also for the music at the court of the Pomeranian dukes. After 43 years of service, he resigned in late 1630 and died the following year in Szczecin. According to current knowledge, Philipp Dulichius composed 233 elaborate and beautiful motets, which had spread throughout Europe during his lifetime and now await rediscovery. Only recently they were summarized in a catalog raisonné by Otfried von Steuber (Marburg). However, a uniform and complete parformance-friendly full edition of this outstanding oeuvre still requires perfection. At least one of the master’s motets can always be heard in the programs of the Agenda St. Jacob.


Freie Presse|23.04.2011

Dass man die Gesänge Ostern 2011 erstmals wieder hören kann, ist dem Engagement junger Vokalisten zu danken und ihrem immensen Probenfleiß. Sie sind zumeist in Chemnitz aufgewachsen und heute in ihren Berufen oder im Studium deutschlandweit unterwegs, kehren jedoch zu hohen Festtagen immer wieder zurück. In den letzten Jahren hatten sie bereits die Christmetten in der Jakobikirche künstlerisch absolut hochstehend nach der Agenda von 1714 ausgestaltet. Mit dem Namen „Agenda 1714“ bekräftigen die Sänger ihre Absicht, die Kirchenmusik an der St. Jakobi-Kirche zu pflegen, insbesondere die Werke alter sächsischer Meister wie Philipp Dulichius und Balthasar Crusius.

Thanks to the dedication of young vocalists and their immense rehearsing efforts, these chants can be heard again for the first time in Easter 2011. Most of them grew in Chemnitz and live today spread across Germany in their occupations or in study. But they ritually return to their town of birth for high christian festivity days. In recent years, they had already liturgically shaped the Christmas vespers in the Jakobikirche - according to the agenda of 1714 composed by Philipp Dulichius. Under the name "Agenda 1714", the singers affirm their intention to cultivate church music at St. Jakobi Church, in particular the works of old saxon masters such as Philipp Dulichius and Balthasar Crusius.

orietur occidens|06.01.2012

An evangelical Christmas vesper is a kind of Missa sicca for Christmas. There are songs sung by the people, but very few; Otherwise, an outstandingly good "Chorus musicus à 8" is singing, meaning it is consisting of eight singers. They perform "figural music" from late renaissance and early baroque, but also Gregorian chant occurs. For the psalm «Quare fremuerunt gentes», they divide into two four-part half choirs, which sing strictly in parallels - an organum durum, as it were directly taken from the Musica Enchiriadis. The sound: rousing. As great as the ensemble may be, there is no applause; after all, it is a service.


In the spirit of a nowadays again possible German-Polish musical cooperation in memory of Dulichius, the Saxon vocal ensemble Agenda St. Jacob from Chemnitz and the Szczecin instrumental ensemble Consortium Sedinum performed in the Evangelical Church of St. Mary in Usedom. Both were celebrated with excited applause by a delighted audience.

The project Agenda 1714


What does Agenda 1714 e.V. stand for?

• Research and teaching of cultural history from the Saxon-Erzgebirgian area
• Presentation and contemporary reflection on music-historical cultural heritage in a European context.

What does Agenda 1714 e.V.?

• Development of thematically designed event concepts (concerts, church services, conferences, workshops)
• Cooperation with private and public institutions, educational institutions and artistic partners for regular events at a few but central and significant urban locations with a supraregional appeal and within the European cultural exchange.
• Stimulating scientific and political discourse as well as contemporary artistic interaction with the historical heritage through editorial activity, commissioned works and public education projects.



The Jakobikirche is next to the buildings of the former Benedictine monastery on the Schlossberg the most valuable monument of the city of Chemnitz from pre-industrial times. Its historical significance goes far beyond Chemnitz. Since its founding, St. Jakobi has been the church council and citizenry, and until the 19th century, together with the Council and the Gewandhaus, it was the spiritual center of the city.
The high-Gothic hall church with retrochoir was created in several stages between 1350 and 1412 on the foundations of an older Romanesque complex. These could be determined during excavations after 1945. Throughout the centuries, various alterations have changed the appearance of the church again and again. The most serious destructive impact was the destruction on March 5, 1945. Together with the Chemnitz city center, the Jakobikirche fell to debris and ashes. Since 1949, only the retrochoir, which was furnished as an emergency church, could be used again. The interior design of the nave dragged on with long interruptions until 2009. The resurrection of the city- and market-church took place in 2012 with the provisionally renovation of the Gothic choir room.


website of St. Jakobi church

audio samples and insights

audio samples

“Pfingsthymnus - Spiritus Sancti Gratia” aus der Agenda für St. Jacob von 1714 Agenda St. Jacob
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friends and partners


Thanks to the generous help of many donors and supporters, the work of the Agenda St. Jacob is made possible. We kindly ask you to support the project from Chemnitz with a collection when visiting the events or through a donation. Donations are certified and fiscally recognized by the tax office.

Förderverein St. Jakobi
IBAN: DE56 8709 6214039900 1714
Volksbank Chemnitz
Verwendungszweck: Agenda 1714

You may as well contact us direclty to discuss alternative forms of support.

contact us

Agenda St. Jacob
Friedemann Schmidt
Fehrbelliner Straße 39
D-10119 Berlin

Fon +49(0)30 58893463

Agenda 1714 e.V. Chemnitz
Chairman: Johannes G. Schmidt
